Is your Product delivery approach holding you back?
Are you sacrificing quality for the sake of cost and time?
It’s time to take a closer look at the Agile Triangle of Constraints
(also known as the Project Management Triangle or the Iron Triangle)
Refer(left most) In traditional Waterfall project management, the scope is fixed (“required”) and the project timeline and budget are inflexible.
This approach is largely plan driven and often results in teams working overtime to finish all the fixed requirements in fixed time with a fixed budget
As a result, the fourth constraint quality often suffers. [Refer middle image2]
Customers are unhappy, teams look burnt down, there is finger pointing
But there is a better way.
By turning the triangle upside down (refer to right most image3), Agile product management acknowledges that cost/budget and time are fixed, but the “requirements” are variable(aka “scope”) and are prioritized.
By building products with systems thinking in mind, and working closely with users and customers we can focus on the most important items in the backlog and drop or delay less critical items (at the bottom of backlog)
And by writing contracts with this updated Agile Triangle of Constraints in mind, we can avoid conflicts between fixed scopes and Agile values and thinking.
Let’s break free from the limitations of traditional project management and embrace the flexibility and quality that Agile can offer. Are you ready to turn the triangle upside down?