Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches and Scrum Teams will find it useful to download and place it near their team workspace – either on digital (Miro, Mural etc.) or print and tape it on a physical wall (in office).
When working hard to quickly create stories and work items without understanding the big picture, we tend to take the Agilized Waterfall route (see top half of image), which results in:
→ Components that do not provide much value
→ They do not fit together when all done separately/sequentially
→ This leads to rework towards the end
→ Results in Frankenstein products – whose parts do not fit well
→ Iterative and incremental – Agile values not quite understood
(All this is represented in the top part of the image – Agilized Waterfall)
The bottom part (Agile) shows:
→ Early Sprints should show the shape and form of the whole product or feature
→ Quick prototyping means a rough version to get feedback on the shape and form
→ Subsequent Sprints provide a revised version of the product/feature which is now being built to quality
→ True value of what Agile Iterative and Incremental promised
→ Every stage is (potentially) usable
This visual artifact helps create awareness on what Agile promises if followed wisely and helps challenge a Scrum Team on effective ways to groom and create stories for higher value delivery
Hope you and your teams find it useful! 😊
(Note: Early versions of this artifact were all hand drawn on whiteboards, but now I have created a digital one so it can be used easily)
(taken from Amit’s Linkedin post “January 20, 2023”)